
Lijiang Day 7 and Nanchang Day 8

Yesterday we left beautiful Lijiang and began the adoption portion of our trip.  Z-Man had a good time tearing apart our hotel room before we left.

We took a last walk around Old Town and The Artist made a puppy friend.

We spent most of the day traveling - sitting in airport and airplanes.  But even traveling you can find interesting things - like this fruit The Artist photographed at a vending stall at Kunming Airport.  Any idea what it is?  Yeah - me neither.

Today we are at the hotel in Nanchang.  Zoe will be arriving around 3:00 this afternoon, and the whole family will be different.  I can't wait to meet her, but the whole thing is also terrifying.  So glad God is in control!

Nanchang is a city of 5 million people a couple of hours away from Zoe's city, Xinyu.  Here's the view out our hotel window.

It is a modern city, China style.  Here's a close up of the building across the street from our very nice hotel.  Notice the chickens living on the roof.

I will be updating the blog later this evening once we have Zoe, so check back in the morning Chicago time :')


  1. On pins and needles waiting Laura! So excited for you. Have been following Perry blog (great video today) as well and Bryan's FB page. Looks like you are having an amazing time. And today you meet your daughter - how wonderful! Love, Ang.

  2. Great photos...fascinating...xo Praying for you guys! L. Garcia

  3. So happy and excited for you! The pictures have been wonderful - thanks for keeping all of us so thoroughly intrigued. =^_^= Zoe is so lucky to be going home with you all as her new family.

    Samantha F.
