

I thought it might be good to give you a little glimpse into our world.  This is what school looks like around our house:

Lots of reading (and listening to) books.

Zoe likes to do whatever the brothers are doing.

Computer work:
A bit of dancing :')

And frequent breaks to do, well, whatever:


  1. Great photos! Such lucky kids to grow up in a home filled with wonder, comfort, encouragement and support! Brava!

    Laura Garcia

  2. These scenes look so very familiar! Homeschooling rocks!!:)

  3. I remember my Claire when she was around Zoe's age. She wanted to be in everything going on. There was one time we were playing Lego and Tom was making something - only Claire couldn't figure it out.

    So I got Tom to make her something quickly, which she could take apart and put neatly back in the box! It kept her happy for ages.

    Oh, and me too!

    Have a great time herding that family of cats!
