
Guangzhou Day 18

Today we hung around the hotel for a while.  They have an outdoor courtyard with a play area, and Z-Man and Zoe tried out the swings.

After nap time our guide took us to a beautiful park.  There are many parks in the cities, and all we have seen are beautiful and well-used.  This one was no different.

They had an area full of statues of kids characters - the boys had great fun with them.

They got Zoe involved also.

Some of the trees in the park were just amazing - very carefully cultivated.

We went back to Shamian Island for a little shopping and wandering around.  They have some pretty cool statues there.

One tradition for adoptive families in China is to take their child's picture on the red couch at the White Swan Hotel in traditional clothes - so here she is - Ms. Zoe.

And a couple more pics for fun:

After Shamian Island we went to a large plaza downtown to see the lights in the buildings.  It was a very impressive space.

The boys went running off, and Zoe seemed to want to be moving, too.  So I put her down and let her walk (with help, of course).  She walked farther than she has ever been willing to before - must have been inspired by the brothers.

She is a very determined little girl - she will go far.


  1. Laura...I've been wanting to ask this question for awhile but keep forgetting..how do the Chinese people feel about these adoptions? I mean like those in the general public, not from the orphanage. Do people smile at you as you are walking around with her? Clearly they can guess that she is being adopted. As much as I feel international adoptions are a good thing, it still seems strange that she will be taken from her homeland and adopt the traditions and beliefs of an entirely new culture. How do the Chinese people feel about this? -Nancy S.

  2. She's adorable in her little shiny blue Qi Pao.


  3. Nancy - good question. We have encountered many stares and comments, but they have all been on our three boys, not on our adoption. Anyone who comments on Zoe says how cute she is, or how she must be cold because I don't have her bundled up to the extent Chinese people bundle their kids. In her province Caucasians were rare enough that we were stared at just for our eyes and noses :')

  4. Can you guess which pic is R mans favorite?

