

The newest Marshall! We will use the name Zoe here on the blog.

She was born April 28, 2010 and is currently living Xinyu, Jiangxi Province. Isn't she adorable!

The first pictures were taken in December, this next one was taken in May.

Her report says: Zoe was born with a deformity of her right foot and leg. She laughs aloud when being teased. Her nannies are working with her on standing and walking. She babbles and imitates sounds. When she sees a caregiver or familiar person, she will stretch out her hands to ask to be cuddled.

We should be traveling sometime between Thanksgiving and Christmas of this year.

Rejoice with us! God is indeed good!


  1. That's so awesome and exciting!!

  2. How incredibly thrilling!! Thank you Father! He truly is the Giver of GREAT gifts!
    "Every good thing given and every perfect gift is from above.." James 1:17
    Praying for each of you and anxious to hear she is finally home!

  3. So very happy for Zoe and your family.

  4. Here from RQ. She's gorgeous! Congrats, and God bless the rest of your journey to her!

  5. Congratulations on your Jiangxi referral!! When you are ready to get her newspaper finding ad (which has a great photo months younger than her referral photos) come visit us.

    Hope you have a speedy trip!

